Masks designed to stop bacteria do not help against viruses, sure they block some droplets if somebody sneezes, but the virus still goes several feet past the distance the droplets would have traveled.
Total disease deaths in the USA are about the same as the last several years, even with >280,000 covid "deaths", but other categories have gone down, mysteriously, proportionately, like flu, coronary, pnemonia, isn't that odd? Oh this is per the CDC figures, confirmed by John Hopkins though Hopkins pulled if off their web from pressure from the globalist socialist Dems.
I do not think a pro football eliete athlete should worry, official CDC data for age 20-49 is a 99.98% survival rate after positive test, infected. Coaches... 50-69 survival rate is 99.5%, so they are ok too though if you have an underlying condition, be careful.
#2 and #3 paragraphs are absolute proven facts, from the CDC and other sources, look them up, learn, mask issue I am correct but there is no absolute hard evidence, though the NE Journal of Medicine pretty much said so in June, and, IMO Fauci knows masks do not help...